Learning Languages
Bonjour Babies is a fun and stimulating language learning program for our young children. It is designed to capitalise on the benefits of exposing children to a second language in their formative early years when the brain is hardwired to effortlessly and naturally acquire languages.
Research shows that early exposure to a second language leads to improved cognitive functioning (planning, problem solving, memory and performance) and superior reading, writing, analytical and even social skills.
Learn more about our programs, please call us on 02 9450 1116 or send us a message.
Also see our Junior Parliament Project

The Bonjour Babies curriculum is designed to engage all of the children’s senses. Research has shown that children learn most effectively when more than one sense is engaged simultaneously. Hence Bonjour Babies has carefully planned programs incorporating singing, movement, actions, and sensory props to promote the most effective learning and retention of a second language. The program facilitates the growth and integration of the developing brain, laying foundations for higher learning abilities that are life-lasting.
"Free the child’s potential and you will transform him into the world.”